1) Small Boats Can Do Big Trips

2) Anchor Upwind

3) Clear Vision

4) Keep Your Cabin Air Fresh

5) Easy Varnish Touch-Up

1) Small Boats Can Do Big Trips
You may not own a large yacht, but you can cruise like one even in a small boat. The Internet lists all the marinas and B&B's along any route you choose. Set up a route that places you near selected stopping points each evening. In addition to your docking space, book a nearby B&B. Where there are B&B's there are sure to be restaurants and provisions. Using a small boat, nobody has to slave in a yacht galley, and as an added bonus your docking fees will be much less.
2) Anchor Upwind
When anchoring, try to choose an up wind location relative to other boats anchored. Should another boat break free, it will not drift into you. Just be certain that you have anchored your boat securely.
3) Clear Vision
Whether you wear sunglasses or prescription glasses when you boat, salt spray will destroy their effectiveness. Wiping them simply smears a cloud over the lens. That same salt spray will block your windshield. Pack a small spray bottle with fresh water or cleaner. A squirt on each lens of your glasses and a few on the windshield will restore normal vision. If you wipe after spraying you may have to repeat the process, but either way, it is an easy fix.
4) Keep Your Cabin Air Fresh
Retiring to a musty cabin is not enjoyable. Get in the habit of airing out cabins by including it as part of another regular action you take with your boat, such as checking for water in the bilge. A small blade-safe fan in most cabins is very helpful. Also place a few dryer sheets around the cabin to ensure the air stays smelling fresh.
5) Easy Varnish Touch-Up
Varnishing jobs can be a big deal. You can reduce big jobs by touching up small areas when they begin to show wear. Save an empty bottle of nail polish and fill it with varnish. Use the nail polish brush to touch up small spots rather than keeping a large can onboard.