Another rescue mission courtesy of 'Heavy D' Sparks and his YouTube gang.
We've discussed the work of Heavy D Sparks before, aka David Sparks and his fellow collaborator David 'Diesel Dave' Kiley, also known as The Diesel Brothers, which is pretty epic if you're a boater. The gaggle of gearheads own everything with a motor, and that makes for some very interesting content when boats are involved.
Case in point: Heavy D happens to own a SURC, which stands for Small Unit Riverine Craft. He also has a matching diesel military truck to haul it. Because of course.
The SURC is used by the US Marine NECC (Navy Expeditionary Combat Command) and US Navy Riverine Squad. It's a 39-foot (12 m) twin diesel jet boat that was developed to replace the patrol boats used in Vietnam. SURCs are rigid hull armoured patrol boats and they're used to monitor inland waterways and rivers. Or, in this case, if your friend gets into a jam they can be used to raise a $250k surf boat.
The boat went down in Lake Powell in Arizona, and by all appearances it's a Montara Surf Boss 2.0. Sweet ride.
Fun Fact- despite being labeled as a 'pontoon', The Montara is actually a monohull. This detail becomes relevant when the crew discovers it sank due to a puncture in the centre of the hull directly under the helm. You have to give the crew credit, because they somehow manage to keep the damaged $250k surf boat afloat using Flex Seal and a California license plate. Talk about handy.
So, you're a boater, remember that it's good to have friends with boats. It's even better if those friends have the best possible recovery vessel and a whole crew of mechanics who can fix literally anything.
See how 'Heavy D' fared in the video below: